My Experience as an Intern

Mane Source Counselor Luis Zuniga Reflects Back My internship experience at Mane Source Counseling expanded my view on how mental health services could be provided. Until the Fall of 2022, all my clinical experience consisted of providing clinical counseling in an office setting, usually in person and occasionally via telehealth. Mane Source Counseling, in a […]

The Tree that Started It All

The Tree that Started it All How One Journal Page Sparked a Vision It all started with a simple journal page—just a quiet moment with a pen, some thoughts, and a sketch of a tree. I wasn’t setting out to change my life, or anyone else’s for that matter. I was just letting thoughts flow, […]

An Intern’s Experience with Equine-Assisted Therapy

Mane Source Counseling is a bit different because she integrates equine-assisted therapy for some clients… Before my internship, I personally had never been around horses…To be honest I was even a little nervous working with them for therapy. Before my internship at Mane Source Counseling, I was really just tossed in the mix and I […]

I Apologize For Not Listening – A tale of natural horse partnership

Life is nothing but ongoing education, in fact, it is critical for growth personally and professionally. Sometimes learning comes to us in the most unlikely times and places and can challenge preconceived notions you’ve had your entire life! Keep reading to understand how one riding session with my horse, Octavia, changed how I view horse […]

Thoughts With Octavia – desensitization training

SO today I was working in Bonnie and Apple’s paddock in a session, and I noticed a Happy Birthday balloon in the paddock blowing around. I grabbed it and hung on to it for the session (hello- scary plastic thing blowing around?) I thought it would be a good thing to help with desensitization training […]