Special Events

Upcoming Events

Don’t see something that interests you here? We offer many more specialty events! Check out all our offerings below.

Find Yourself in the Herd

Are you seeking a soul-searching adventure to uncover your true self, passions, and dreams?

No horse experience is required, all you need is yourself and an open mindset!

Come and join us for the initial session out of six, starting at 6:30 PM on Fridays in Ayden, North Carolina. Explore the art of enhancing your intuition through mindful engagement with horses. Learn how horses leverage intuition to connect and flourish, and how they can impart this wisdom to us.

July 26th, 6:30PM @ 2563 Doc Loftin Rd, Ayden, NC 28513

$35 for early signup    

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Expression Through Art

Group Therapy For Teens And Young Adults

This hands-on workshop allows for discussions about anxiety through art activities.

This workshop is limited to 5 clients per session and lasts for one hour. 

Expression Through Art